society6 Fay Moose Art

24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

19 December 2011

Night Rainbow

Did you ever seen rainbows at night? I did in my dream and I wanted to share it with you Smile


This painting is done on a birch panel 6x6 with acrylics + some sparkles , and finished with resin.


I have a whole rainbow series and it is really popular, so if you want to see more be patient and ill share more later

But for now you can get “Night Rainbow” here

18 December 2011

Gift Ideas for fans

I’m not a fan of “Star wars” or a “Star trek” but I do love some of the characters, and one of those days I wanted to try to make something new. Here what I got Smile


R2D2 just a fun little wool sculpture. You can get in on my Etsy page and if you want to get different characters email me Smile



End of the year

I had my last Market this year last week. Ill have many more next year and I’m super excited but for now i’ relax and think on new ideas Smile

here are some great customers from my last show. Thanks to everyone who shared smiles with me and complimented on my art Smile


08 December 2011


I got featured in treasury list on Etsy


Also I’ve been really busy felting new characters for my MC show.

Hope a lot of people will support local artists and get their presents thru them. I know Market Collective will have a lot of great artists .

25 November 2011

Custom work

I love creating from my imagination but I also like to be challenged by custom work. I had couple of custom requests lately and I enjoyed them all, some of them I cannot yet show you because it might be spoiler for some people Smile

First was “Licky Mouth” , Jack Bride made special design for shirts and I dot one for my husband in exchange for 3D wool version of it Smile

Than after showing it to people in Google+ I got really cute request from Cass to make her doggies Milo and Duffy , she send me pictures and I tried to make them in my style and really had fun with it Smile

So if this give you and idea for presents for any occasion feel free to email me @ or check my website

10 November 2011

M is for Movember

Same deal that I had yesterday Smile new moustache every day Smile

In honour of the Movember push for raising awareness for prostate Cancer, for every Moustached creature I sell this month, 10% of the proceeds will go to this charity. for more info

Custom Orders "More than welcome"
Please share and spread the word around :)

09 November 2011


In Movember a lot of men and even some women grow a moustache and even my little creatures agreed to get hairier for a good cause :)SONY DSC
In honour of the Movember push for raising awareness for prostate Cancer, for every Moustached creature I sell this month, 10% of the proceeds will go to this charity. for more info

Custom Orders "More than welcome"
Please share and spread the word around :)

27 October 2011

One little monster went to Anni

Here is one of my monster who went to lovely girls house Smile All family loves little monster, and apparently cat too Smile

monster cat

25 October 2011

Day 2 of MC

Day 2 we had even more fun. My mom even had some of her knitted stuff on display Smile and sold one of her creations Smile So it felt like a good family business . Dad helped me with pumpkins and we sold 3 of them and my husband Gordy got a lot of positive feedback. Who know we might get 2 tables next time Smile

Thanks again to all people who came and made our day

Still waiting for people to email with custom orders and cant wait to start on them Smile

Here is more pictures from Sunday