society6 Fay Moose Art

16 January 2012

Silent Auction for Community of Integral Living

Motion Gallery is hosting silent auction for Community of Integral Living this Friday Jan 20

A sheseR Really cool ElephantT Tetriss lover

There will be a lot of great art from a lot of different artists so if you need new piece for you home and you would like to support a great cause please come by. Or even if you want to just have a great evening.

I will be donating one of my felted works witch is a secret , so come on by and find it out for yourself


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15 January 2012

You can get more Bee’s with honey ..

…Friend told me that, one day when she was sad. Since then I had those bees flying in my brain, I wanted to make something similar for longest time, and finally I had free time to enjoy and make it for Kathy Kathy 1

She really loved it Smile I’m going to have a similar version for sale soon, so let me know if you like it , or want it Smile

Kathy 2Kathy 3