society6 Fay Moose Art

13 August 2011

Update on Breakfast TV

I found out that my work and work of other artists will be shown Monday the 15 at 8.40 a.m Smile

So if you have a chance look for mu fuzzy felted friends Smile


Thanks Smile

11 August 2011

Breakfast TV … what? :)

Yes My work will be shown on Breakfast TV , I got email from Angela from Market Collective where I usually sell my work and was asked if I want to show my work on TV , I said Hell yes I want and with a huge smile I went and shocked my husband Smile

So If you watch TV in the morning , especially Monday the 15 put it on the channel 8 or 214 between 6 and 8 and you might see familiar work of mine Smile

Breakfact TV