I got featured on ETSY, in their treasury
Nice that some noticed me Have smile bigger that the sky
I got featured on ETSY, in their treasury
Nice that some noticed me Have smile bigger that the sky
Want to make it on this project .
Since i was little girl i always LOVED cartoons, we didn’t had a of of them and only in certain time. One of my favourite cartoons was”Nu Pogadi” witch translates from Russian like “I’m gona get ya”and it was about wolf chasing bunny, and wolf always had cigarettes in his mouth Now i don’t know how they let show it to kids, but i guess it taught us that bad people always drink and smoke (good luck)HAHAHHAa
Well as much as I love cartoons i would love to make them and now i have opportunity and ill try to finally make my wish come true
Who knows maybe one day ill help or make myself a wonderful cartoon that people and kids will like Goal here I come
I’m late for current project but hopefully they will have new one in the summer
Color chart