society6 Fay Moose Art

Custom work welcome

I love working with colour it inspires me and I love how it makes me feel. You can  order custom work from me and prepare to have run. If you want to have every colour of a rainbow on  a canvas, t-shirt or maybe paper Mache creature, or now I also make felted animals and monsters than I would love to do it.
Just give me basic information, like colour , size , favourite animal … and let me work on a sketch for a while , I’ll send you a sketch or a couple and you chose the want you like (or all :D) and I’ll start painting it, felting it or sculpting

You can check my website for more fun stuff or look thru my blog.

Email me at or send me message in here.
Always happy to help with wedding invitations, announcement, b-day cards and more, more, more colourful stuff.