society6 Fay Moose Art

16 June 2011

Market Collective

Come and celebrate 3 years of MC


July 25/26 I’m going to be there and I hope to see a lot of people. I’ll have tons of paintings and my new LOVE “Felted Friends” . DSC03096DSC03097DSC03099DSC03102DSC03082DSC03092DSC03093DSC03095

Collect them, play with them, find one that looks like somebody you know, give it as a gift . Don’t think you are too old for it, talk to your inner child and smile

I also can do custom dreads Smile



14 June 2011

Bunny fun

Got to have fun Smile I used to do that a lot, take a picture and create character around it. I can do any invitations or a postcards or backgrounds. So if anybody want some let me know Smile

Brian Bunny

This is Brian “Bunny” Batista and when I saw his picture I had this vision of this attitude bunny waiting for his carrot Smile

13 June 2011

New stuff

I went shopping for more needles, and I know just a place “Out Of Hand” great store in Calgary packed with needle goodies, not only for felting but sewing and much more Smile I think they also have classes there, so check it out Smile So I was just getting needles and then I saw this magic ball maker Smile oh how I wanted to try it so bad, and boy did I had fun. I cant feel my hand but I have like 12 balls in almost no time. Now I'm drying them and then I'm going to make new cute animals Smile


LALALALA me happy

12 June 2011


I’m not sure if I told you but I signed a contract for a book. Wonderful man Sean Harley wrote a song “Zany Zoo” and he saw me on one of the Market Collective's and asked if I would like to draw some characters for his song. I said “YES” . Couple of month later all is done and we sign contract and sometime soon there will be book with our names Smile

It was my dream this year to make a colouring book with my characters, but I didn’t even think somebody else would believe in me. But now I'm confident and I hope we will have so much more project together with Sean.

Here is example of some work Smile sketch of a bear Smile It is not final , in fact there will be different bear, but just to tease you guys Smile


Hope I can show you “Zany Zoo” book soon and colouring book, and hopefully a game and many more Smile


I’m Happy