society6 Fay Moose Art

21 May 2011


4 days of strait work is done, now I'm hungry for painting, felting , painting and then felting some more Smile why? you ask me! Because it is Lilac Fest coming soon WOHOOOO

It was such a long winter and I wanted some colour but not one or two i wanted them all and in one space Smile 

Also some cute felted creatures and animals that will worm up your heart Smile

17 May 2011

Great day

Wow what a great day I had. Today I still felt little bit sick but i had a lot of creative thoughts. So I just went downstairs and worked my but off, and it made me feel much better. I finished about 5 little paintings , started 3 new ones, and put resin over 6 paintings so WOW


Also made some more of felted monsters, still don’t think i have enough for the show, but I have more than a week left.

16 May 2011

What a month

Well it is a busiest month so far for me, so many good things and not so good happened, but i know it is going to be only good from now on.DSC00533

Like i told you b4 I'm preparing for lilac festival, and because i sold almost all of my toys at Market Collective i need to make a lot of new toys, witch I'm really excited about, but my time planning is so bad. Well it is good but other things interrupt me Smile First i had a week off and i thought for shore ill make a ton of creatures then, but I got sad news that my friend must leave the country a.s.a.p., So whole week was spend helping him to pack. Then next week all our family got sick with virus and shore I didn't felt creative to do much.
But then my husband had a Birthday and we made him surprised all day long Smile and we had a blast and i got so many positive emotions, but next day we got stinky virus again, and I'm working a lot this week, so crunch time now, but usually it is the best time for creative though Smile


So will se how much animals and creatures ill have by the end of next week, any bets?
