society6 Fay Moose Art

14 July 2011

After shows

I want to share with you how people inspire each other or help ideas float in a different directions.

At my last show Jolanta’s partner got my “Yellow bunny” and later she wrote me this email , quote : ”I liked it so much that I changed the concept of a quilt I am making for Mariana - it will have a yellow rabbit on it :-):-)


I was really excited to see the end result , and boy it is a great quilt, and now baby will have a toy to go with it. That's how you make special memories. Get inspired people and give inspiration to othersquilt with bunny

quilt center LOVE IT Smile

Also I met a great fun girl;

Yuen-ying she is great photographer, she saw me at a couple of shows and she’s always with a smile and I  Smile love people like that. She took some pictures of me and here they are Smile


It is me and my army of fun felted friends, currently I'm working on a new army cause last one got almost sold out. I have 30 new characters , and still working on some of them MC_OlaBirch2-1w25

I would love if people share their pictures of their felted friends you can email me or post them on my Facebook page

11 July 2011

“Going to the Zany Zoo” Book

I came from great vacation and I was so lazy to open up my mailbox , but when I did I was presently surprised!!!!!!!!!!! I got an email from Sean (Tucker) with  awesome news on the book. Not sure if you remember I mentioned in earlier posts, that I was collaborating on a book with Sean , and now, AND NOW book is PUBLISHED and you can get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can you get it and where? Firstly you can get it online here :
Secondly I will have them on my upcoming shows , so feel free to ask me next time when you'll see me. It will have both of our signatures Winking smile
Sean wrote fantastic, fun and entertaining song and I tried to match it with lovable characters. This book is really colourful and has 23 pages WOW.
When you read this book to your kids make sure they imitate movements of the animals, and you'll see how much fun will they have, but so will you.