On the way home yesterday I thought Ill have fun, and I did. Nothing special, just like that kind of accidents
It was just fun pressing the button and have surprise for a picture
Hope you have fun looking thru
On the way home yesterday I thought Ill have fun, and I did. Nothing special, just like that kind of accidents
It was just fun pressing the button and have surprise for a picture
Hope you have fun looking thru
My husband started to take pictures lately it is motely buildings and landscapes and they are really nice, but every time see new picture I see totally different picture than he does
Like here gorgeous picture of a lady bug, but my eyes just jumped on this little spot on the left
Also after a great walk he shared this picture on his Google+ it is staining , but what did I saw?
A chicken? a or a cute birdy? really brain , cant just enjoy the view ? hahahahah
Oh and for the last one. People ask me a lot , where do I take my inspiration, I say: from my son. Well here is one picture that Pasha(my son) drew on a bathroom wall with his washable crayons …
when we asked him what is that he proudly said: Humpty Dumpty , It was a really sweet moment. At first I didn't saw anything , but later … I saw this …
TADAM Quasimodo , I see couple of other smaller characters too witch might become part of my paintings