society6 Fay Moose Art

29 July 2011

Walk with me :)

Day or two ago we were driving and I saw this picture and I had this image in my mind and so I needed to sketch it out cause it was bugging me. I don’t like leashes for kids, I think if you got to the big crowd you might use it, but if you can’t trust yourself with a kid, please don’t go out in a big crowds. And it is ridicules to use the leashes in the middle of a field where is nobody (that’s where I saw it used) :) So this just a fun sketch, guess who is walking whom


I’m not pointing fingers, I'm not perfect just sometimes things make me smile . What makes you smile?

27 July 2011

It is here and available :)

My book is here. It is here and you can get it from me or online. I’ll have some of them at my booth in Inglewood this weekend . I also have Idea of making felted versions of characters and selling them with a book

Here is some photos of Sean and me with a book

25 July 2011

Smiles :D

Well again I'm full of smiles Smile Sun and Salsa fest charged me .

Thanks to all people who came buy and smiled at my booth. Thanks for believing in me and letting yourself enjoy my felted army . So many people first thought it was kids toys, but where relived to find out that even they can enjoy felted monsters everyday in their house Smile My monsters will be not only in Canada, I had people from Germany, China, Russia, England, Australia and States buying and bringing them home. Hope I can see their pictures soon Open-mouthed smile

My work is ART and can/must be enjoyed by people of any ages Smile

Well now to most exciting part, great people came by and told me that they liked my characters and later I read this great twit --->best sunfest

I also got great comments from Dwight Ryder , he wanted to know if I sell prints of my artwork , I didn't but I had this idea in my head for some time Smile Will see where this will go Smile 

Never stop dreaming my friends never, I do every day and now ….

me now


….. I’m happiest girl ever Smile

Some pictures from festival , me and lucky customers gigigigigig


From the bottom of my hart, THANKS to every person who give me their smile and a kind word <3