society6 Fay Moose Art

22 July 2011

Army is ready, are you?

So this weekend is Sun and Salsa fest in Kensington, and you can find me there. I’m sharing a booth with my friend artist Yana. Please come visit here ----> find me kensington

I have new army of felted friends and let me tease you Smile

felted army jully

19 July 2011


I hope to get photo-shoot tomorrow for all my felted army. I love selling them but i still want to remember them, and I just want to count how many I can make in a year, I think I already since January made about 200 or even more. So for this weekend and Salsa fest I have new 50 felties, because not all people send me pictures, but I understand Smile

you can get them this weekend at Salsa fest in Kensington Smile